4 fruits to help you have a good night’s sleep

USA – Cherries, pineapples, bananas, and kiwis are high in potassium and melatonin, which help relax muscles, promoting faster and deeper sleep.

Fruit is a food that provides antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some people have a habit of eating fruit after meals or close to bedtime. However, not all fruits are suitable for use before going to bed.

Experts point out 4 types of fruits that can help sleep well, suitable to eat after meals, as follows:


Cherries have a long-standing sour taste for their sleep aids. According to Dr. Amy Shapiro of Real Nutrition, tart cherries help with insomnia because they contain nutrients like potassium and the hormone melatonin. Both help relax muscles, promoting faster and deeper sleep.

Drinking tart cherry juice for a week, total melatonin levels increased significantly compared to the placebo group. This group also had longer sleep duration and better sleep hygiene.

Experts recommend people who are looking to improve their diet and rest drink tart cherry juice regularly.


The familiar fruit in tropical countries is good for sleep for two main reasons. They contain more melatonin, a higher concentration than cherries. Other studies show that pineapple significantly increases the sleep-inducing hormone in the body.

In a 2013 clinical study, scientists found that healthy volunteers experienced a 266% increase in melatonin levels in their bodies after eating pineapple regularly.

“Pineapple also helps with digestion, preventing stomach upset at night. This benefit largely comes from bromelain, an important enzyme that aids in the treatment of constipation, digestive disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and various inflammatory diseases. other,” added Dr. Shapiro.

Pineapple contains melatonin which can cause drowsiness.


Unripe bananas are the ideal bedtime snack. This fruit is rich in potassium, which helps relax muscles. Bananas contain serotonin, a precursor to melatonin, which can help people fall asleep more easily. The amino acid tryptophan in bananas also promotes melatonin production, supports circadian rhythms, and regulates the body clock.

Shapiro recommends that people add more bananas to their daily diet, because they are a rich source of resistant starch, which helps promote healthy bacteria in the body, slows down digestion, and reduces sugar levels in the body. blood.


Kiwi is the right fruit for those who suffer from frequent insomnia. In the small study published in the National Library of Health, scientists fed participants two kiwis an hour before bed for four weeks. At the end of the study, they noted a significant increase in the volunteers’ total sleep time and sleep quality. They fall asleep more easily and wake up less often in the middle of the night.

“It could be because the serotonin levels in kiwi help us relax. The fruit’s anti-inflammatory properties help make sleep easier,” explains Dr. Shapiro.

According to her, kiwi is a source of many nutrients that are good for the body, including vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and trace minerals, helping the digestive process to be more efficient.

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