Effective and safe weight loss

Overweight and obesity are increasing rapidly in all age groups. Many people immediately apply the “Secrets” to lose weight quickly with herbs, and oral supplements, regardless of money or disability. Losing weight too quickly often reduces water and muscle mass, which is dangerous to health. It’s not difficult at all, just persevere to practice scientific, effective, and safe weight loss methods.

1. Set weight loss goals

Determine weight loss goals depending on age, degree of overweight-obesity, and health status.

In children under 6 years old: do not set weight loss goals when overweight without complications, risk factors, or comorbidities, the remaining cases need to lose weight.

Assessing the degree of overweight-obesity is based on many factors: anthropometric measurements to assess the balance of weight versus height, analysis of body composition, the thickness of skin folds, waist circumference to the assessment of fat accumulation, assessment of diet – exercise, and family history.

Assess health status: examine for signs of complications and signs suggestive of the cause of obesity (mental retardation, birth defects, endocrine pathology), perform laboratory tests Clinically used to diagnose risk factors and causes such as lipid bilan (detect dyslipidemia), blood glucose (detect glucose metabolism disorders, diabetes), general abdominal ultrasound (detect fatty liver) ), quantification of adrenal, thyroid, pituitary hormones.

2. Principles of weight loss treatment

  • Lose fat mass, not muscle mass, bone, and water
  • Maintain a healthy weight in a sustainable way
  • Form good eating habits and healthy lifestyle, prevent risk factors and recurrence
  • Combination of increased energy expenditure through exercise and decreased energy supply
  • Use weight loss medications when indicated
  • Combined treatment of concomitant risk factors if any (hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, …)

3. Effective weight loss plan in 3 steps

Step 1: Increase physical activity through daily activities

Do housework, ride a bike, water the plants, take the stairs. Choose a few sports that can be pursued for a long time, at least 15 minutes at a time and at least 60 minutes a day (brisk walking, slow running, cycling, swimming, soccer, badminton, etc.) tennis, basketball, etc.).

Step 2: Control ratio energy

  • Energy-balanced diet, ensuring enough nutrients (protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, …) from lean meat, fish, beans, vegetables, and fruits,… Limit food rich in energy such as fatty foods (fat, skin, viscera, fried food, fried, roasted,…), sweet foods and drinks (tea, confectionery, sugary drinks, overly sweet fruit) …).
  • If there is an indication for weight loss, an energy-reducing menu of 500-1000 kcal/day in adults or 20-25% in children compared with age-related energy needs, can reduce 0.5-1kg of body weight. body per week and lose 10% of body weight within 6 months. Ensure adequate food groups and the proportion of energy-producing substances in the total energy intake.

Step 3: Maintain your diet and exercise

The combined factors: are relaxation, sleep, a healthy environment, and the habit of journaling.

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