The best sleeping positions for heart health

You may not care much about your sleeping position, but the way you sleep through the night can affect the organs in your body. Each position has its pros and cons and the following article will show you some good sleeping positions for the heart.

How does the heart work?

The heart is located in the ribcage, to the left of the sternum, above the diaphragm, and between the lungs.

The role of the heart is to pump blood to the organs of the body. On the outside of the heart are the coronary arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. In addition, the main blood vessels that enter the heart include the pulmonary veins, the superior vena cava, and the inferior vena cava.

Is sleeping on the left side good for the heart?

If you are being treated for a heart condition, you can avoid sleeping on your left side. Many people think that sleeping on the side can reposition the heart in the ribcage and change its electrical activity. However, it is currently unclear whether this impact is large enough to cause concern.

To date, there have been few studies evaluating the effects of sleeping positions on cardiovascular health. However, there is some evidence that sleeping on the left side can increase pressure on the heart.

In 1997, researchers first noticed that side sleeping caused noticeable changes to the heart’s electrical activity and showed up on an electrocardiogram (ECG).

In a more recent 2018 study, researchers also found that sleeping on the left side was associated with changes in electrocardiogram readings in healthy individuals, finding that sleeping on the left side Leaning to the left causes the heart to shift and rotate.

Changes in electrical activity are attributed to this movement of the heart. And when the participants slept on their right side, almost no changes were found in the electrocardiogram activity. The researchers found that in this position, the heart is held in place by a thin layer of tissue between the lungs called the mediastinum.

Although lying on the left side can alter the electrical activity of the heart, there is no evidence that this position increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in healthy people.

Clinical practice has shown that people with congestive heart failure often experience discomfort and shortness of breath when sleeping on their left side. Therefore, more research is needed to understand whether sleeping on the left side is dangerous for people with heart disease or how dangerous it can be.

Sleeping on the right side is good for the heart?

Until now there is still some controversy about whether sleeping on the left or right side is better for the heart. Some sleep experts believe that sleeping on your right side can compress your vena cava. This is the vein that goes into the right heart.

However, at this time, no evidence sleeping on the right side increases the risk of heart failure, and this position appears to be safe for patients.

A 2018 study found that the majority of participants with a cardiomyopathy known as dilated cardiomyopathy preferred to sleep on their right side rather than their left side.

Additionally, a 2019 review of studies found no difference in the health of pregnant women or their fetuses when sleeping on their left or right side. When you are first pregnant, try to get into the habit of sleeping on your side. Lying on your side with slightly bent knees may be the most comfortable position during your growing pregnancy.

For pregnant women, it is recommended to sleep on the left side. Since your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep your uterus out of contact with your liver and also makes it easier for your heart to work as it keeps the weight of the baby from putting pressure on you. up to the inferior vena cava, which is the vein that carries blood from the lower part of the body to the heart to improve blood flow to the fetus.

The best sleeping position for the heart

Up to this point, there are no studies that show the best sleeping position for your heart health if you don’t have underlying heart disease, and sleep quality is more important than sleeping position.

A 2018 review of studies published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that poor sleep quality and short sleep duration were both associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. rim. Here are some sleeping positions that may be beneficial for certain heart conditions:

Good posture for heart failure:

  • Sleeping on the right side may be the most appropriate and best option for people with heart failure.
  • If you don’t have sleep apnea or have any breathing problems, sleeping on your back may also be an option for you.

Having an implantable defibrillator:

  • If you have an implanted defibrillator (ICD) in your body, it may be more comfortable to lie on your side opposite the side of the implant. Most ICDs are located on the left side.

It is currently unclear which sleeping position is best for heart health. Many people with heart failure seem to find it more comfortable to sleep on their right side than on their left side. Although little is known about the best sleeping position for the cardiovascular system, research has found that inadequate or poor-quality sleep increases the risk of heart disease. Therefore, getting enough rest is important to maintain optimal heart health, no matter what position you sleep in.

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