Three types of summer cooling fruit

Mangosteen, pineapple, and especially watermelon have a cooling effect, a very good refreshment for the summer, besides nutritious value and medicinal use.


Pineapple is fragrant, sweet, sour, and neutral, has a heat-clearing effect, refreshment, diuretic, anti-gastritis, treatment for heatstroke, alcohol detoxification, digestive support, intestinal cancer prevention, and blood pressure lowering. Pineapple contains bromelin enzyme (like pepsin in papaya) with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving properties and supports the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The nutritional composition of pineapples includes sucrose 12.43%, glucose 3.21%, and many vitamins A, B, C… Can be eaten whole, juiced, or cooked in soup. Eating pineapple has a diuretic effect, so it helps to treat high blood pressure and reduce swelling. Therefore, pineapple is a very good food for people with cardiovascular disease.

This yellow fruit is very suitable in the summer, not only cooling effect but also for treating kidney stones and urinary stones. Take a pineapple (kind of ripe), cut off the top, and then cut the middle of the fruit into a hole 3 cm deep, put in two spoons of alum powder, and close the lid. Boil pineapple until pureed, take out two glasses, drink one in the evening, wake up the next morning, and drink the other cup, the stones will dissolve in the urine. Clear and cloudy urine like rice water is effective.


Herbalist Bui Dac Sang, Academy of Science and Technology, said that in Oriental medicine, watermelon has a high water content, rich in vitamins and minerals, good for overall health, and is suitable for summer days.

Watermelon with green skin and red flesh has a sweet and light taste, cold nature, and refreshing effect, prevents heatstroke, and heat trouble, lowers gas, diuretic, and relieves drunkenness. This fruit is used to treat conditions such as boils, mouth ulcers, edema caused by nephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heatstroke.

In addition to the intestines, watermelon seeds have the effect of cooling the lungs, dissolving phlegm, laxatives, and digestive benefits. Watermelon roots and leaves cure diarrhea and dysentery. Can be mixed into watermelon juice, or combined with herbs in oriental medicine such as western skin, honeysuckle, and bamboo… to make a remedy to drink during the day to clear the heat and relieve the sun.

Watermelon has a very high water content, which helps to effectively cool down on a summer day.

Some remedies from watermelon rind combined with herbs in traditional medicine are used to treat diseases. For example dried watermelon rind, powdered, mixed with sesame oil applied to the burn to heal wounds. Watermelon rind, squash rind, ox sock, excellent drink, treat high blood pressure. Watermelon rind, bitter melon (bitter gourd), and squash, all peeled, chopped, and pressed to get the water have the effect of clearing heat, used as a very good summer drink, especially for people with boils, and fat. However, people do not make their remedies from watermelon at home but should refer to the ingredients and dosage from a physician.


Mangosteen has a purple-red outer skin, bright red like wine, thick and spongy. White citrus fruit has a delicious taste. This is a species of tree native to the southern islands, imported to grow in the South to get fruit to eat. In the summer, mangosteen juice mixed with lemon, sugar, and ice is a delicious and nutritious beverage.

We often eat the meat and ignore the skin. In the book Herbs Around the House, macrobiotics and Medicine, compiled by Bright Herbal Medicine, mangosteen peel is acrid and can be used as medicine, mainly for diarrhea by drinking decoction, amount 20 g.

The peel contains high levels of xanthones (antioxidants, derived from plants), anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, cancer prevention, immune system booster, and good for the heart. When eating or gargling with mangosteen juice will reduce bad breath.

The fruit also contains many xanthones, effective in reducing bad cholesterol and anti-obesity, and is very suitable for weight loss. In addition, mangosteen fruit contains tryptophan acid, creating excitement in the spirit, increasing vitality, and reducing fatigue.

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One thought on “Three types of summer cooling fruit

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